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This book is more current than alternate — and there’s more than one shock for the reader! The Hidden Truth, A Rambling Wreck, and The Brave & the Bold are all available at the author’s page: Hans G. Schantz on Amazon A few years ago, this book could… Read More »Review: The Hidden Truth

Review: The Hidden Truth

Step onto the ride for an warm adventure full of heart with an ice cold North Atlantic twist! Titanic Voyage by Julie Bihn is available in eBook and Print from a broad selection of online shops. The doomed ship Titanic is a subject of romance and sorrow.… Read More »Review: Titanic Voyage

Review: Titanic Voyage

Our books can be purchased from your bookstore of choice. This is of value if you’d like to keep your entire digital library in one place, for example. But all of the online retailers charge a fee to sell books on their platform and it’s often quite significant.… Read More »Why the lower prices?

Why the lower prices?

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